“Yameme” is an original animation series from Taiwanese animation production company Xanthus Animation Studio. It had been selected and nominated for various international festivals and awards including Cyber Sousa, SICAF and Taiwans Golden Bell Award. It won the top prize in ATF SuperPitch Competition and in App Oscar Micro Film Competition. And now, Goldrock proudly presents Yamemes adventure story in an all-new hidden object game!
The game recreates Yamemes resident town, Eastern Town - a place where characters and monsters from Eastern legends live. Players will travel across Eastern Town through twelve fun stages with different settings including Eastern Primary Schools classroom, the sports field, town streets, forest park and night market. Every stages employs multi-layered art direction to give the settings a refreshing 3D presentation while hiding various items in the level to provide a rich visual experience of a joyous treasure hunt.
“Finding Hidden – Yameme Animation” is a hidden object game includes a challenge mode which provides names of the hidden items that require the players to find. An additional happy mode provides silhouette of the hidden items to satisfy the needs of different age groups and increase the richness of the game.
Game Features:
- Two different game modes.
- Happy mode includes the adventure story.
- 3D scenes.
- Hint system.
- No time limit.
- Game Center keeps your scores.
Lets follow Yameme and her best friend from the West Demio on an adventurous treasure hunt around Eastern Town and have fun!